Saturday, April 28, 2007

Do you have Faith?

Since the illness that my father has been battling for the past 8.5 years has finally started to take its toll on his body, we can't help but stop and think "what happens to our souls when we die?"

So I have to question myself and my faith. Do we go to heaven like we've been taught our whole lives? Is there a penance to pay beforehand? Is our pain and suffering here on earth our penance so that when our time comes we immediately find ourselves at the gates of Heaven?

All of these come to mind as I sit and watch my father slowly dying in front of me. It's not an easy thing to witness but at the same time it's almost unbelievable to watch someone slowly let go of this place we call earth.

I dont' cry for him anymore because I know he is going to a better place. Wherever that place is, it has to be better than here.

Everyday I turn on the TV and hear about kids dying, cars crashing, drunk drivers ripping families apart, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunami's, global warming, etc. so to me - there HAS to be a better place to go after all of this.

Someone once told me that faith was like walking into a dark room and knowing full well there is a light switch in there, you just have to find it.

I have Faith. I have to. It's all I've got.

Where I'm doing business:

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